Getting Your Ducks In Order: Setting Up A Plan For Divorce

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When Child Support is Too Much: Reconsideration Options

If you were ordered to pay child support and your financial situation has changed, you have the option to take the case back to court and have your support amount reconsidered. Before you risk falling far behind in your support payments and facing enforcement actions, you should talk with a child support lawyer about how to have the amount re-evaluated. After seeking a reduction myself in the past, I've learned a lot about how to make it work. I hope that the information about my experiences helps you to understand what you can do about having your support order reconsidered.


Getting Your Ducks In Order: Setting Up A Plan For Divorce

21 November 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Getting a divorce can be a stressful, difficult time for anyone. It can get even messier when there are children or a lot of assets involved in the marriage. In order to get the divorce done in a quick manner, you need to know the correct steps to take. By following this guide, you can set up a plan that is efficient throughout the entire process.

Finding a Lawyer

The most important thing to do is hire a divorce law attorney. If you can't afford one, try searching for pro bono lawyers or ones that are obtained using legal aid services in your county. There may be a wait list, but if you are on a strict budget, it is worth it. Divorce is very expensive and can be drawn out in the courts over several months. If you do hire a lawyer, vet them carefully to find the right one for you. You can schedule consultations with multiple lawyers until you meet one that you like.

Gathering Important Papers

You should gather together all your important papers and keep them somewhere safe. Consider buying a safety deposit box or small safe so they are locked away at all times. Your spouse may get vindictive and try to steal them from you, so it's an important step to take. The papers will be required during the divorce at some point. Some of the types of paperwork you gather should include:

  • Bank statements

  • Taxes from as many years of the marriage as you can get

  • Deeds or titles of assets

  • Social security cards, passports, and birth certificates for the children

Your lawyer will inform you of any other paperwork you will need.

Setting Up Counseling

A divorce is stressful on the adults, but it is incredibly more so for any children, no matter what ages they are. You should set up counseling to help the children make this transition. It will be a safe space for them to talk about what is going on and how they feel. The therapist can give them coping skills as needed. You should also set up counseling for yourself. It will be worth it as you go through the process of divorcing your spouse.


Once you are going through the divorce, make sure you pay attention to any court orders that are put in place. Follow all custody agreements as stated on the paperwork. Attend all the classes that the judge orders you to.