3 Things To Know About Head Injuries Caused By Slip And Fall Accidents

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3 Things To Know About Head Injuries Caused By Slip And Fall Accidents

12 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you recently slipped and fell while shopping at a store and struck your head from it, you may have head injuries that will last a lifetime. Sudden, hard impacts to the back of the head can cause major trauma, even if the effects do not appear right away. If this is something you are dealing with, you may want to hire a personal injury attorney for help, because head injuries are serious. Here are three things you should know about head injuries from slip and fall cases.

They Show Up In Different Ways

There are several different types of injuries you can experience from landing on your head, which include bumps and open wounds. Both of these can require medical treatment and can be serious, but the most severe types of head injuries are those you cannot see. They are the type that cause damage internally. These are typically the types that can lead to long-term problems and issues.

When head injuries are internal, they can cause bleeding, bruising, or swelling of the brain. When a hit is hard enough to impact the brain, it is quite possible that irreversible damage was done. In order to find out what types of injuries you have and the severity of the damage, you may need to go through a series of tests.

You Should Get Thoroughly Evaluated

After a slip and fall happens, it is always important for the victim to go to the hospital for evaluation. While you may hope that there is nothing serious wrong with you, it is always better to find out for sure.

One of the tests they might run at the hospital is called a computerized tomography (CT) scan. This test is highly effective for finding bleeding and other problems with the brain. If you have any issues with your brain, a CT scan should find it.

Your doctor might also suggest taking x-rays of any body parts that are sore. X-rays will detect any fractures or problems with the bones in your body. Bone fractures are not hard to fix in most cases, but brain injuries can be.

If you have a brain injury, it is likely that it may cause memory problems, cognition issues, and mobility problems. Because of this, you may need to go through physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. These forms of therapy might be needed for a few months, or you might need to continue using them for the rest of your life.

You Can Get Multiple Types Of Compensation

If you are suffering from injuries that will be permanent, you can seek compensation for this. There are multiple types of compensation you may be entitled to after a slip and fall case, and you will need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you. Here are several types of compensation you might be able to get from your case:

  • Medical costs – You can ask for compensation to cover all current and future medical expenses. If you will most likely need therapy for the rest of your life, you must ask for coverage during your case. You have only one chance to seek compensation, so you have to make sure you ask for enough.
  • Lost wages – In addition, you can ask for compensation for all the wages you lost because of this accident. Your lawyer will also help you calculate loss of future wages, if you expect to have injuries that will affect you in the future.
  • Loss of enjoyment in life – If your injuries will prevent you from doing anything you were once able to do, you can ask for compensation to cover the loss of enjoyment in your life.

You may also be able to seek damages for other things too, and your attorney will help you figure this all out. If you would like to find out more information about slip and fall cases, contact a personal injury attorney from a firm like Law Office Of Daniel E Goodman